After facing a very late winter followed by never-ending rain, we have sturdy ground to build our much anticipated Pallet Chicken Coop! Kris (my amazing husband who accepts payment of peach iced tea) has worked the past two weekends building what we have so far... the flooring, framed the walls, and cut 2 doors out for me (back and front entrance).
He will be working on the roof tomorrow. This thing is coming together so nicely! It's 12X20 and about a month ago he did the dirt work to cut it into the side of our hill overlooking where we keep our other free range animals. I love the size, I can house lots of birds and have part of it sectioned off for little chicks or other birds I want to add to the homestead (turkey, maybe some quail, more chickens). He's making the roof a single roof line so the water runs off easily. Plus, the way it faces, East, will get the morning light. Can't wait for this to be complete but just seeing it take shape is very exciting. I will be posting more about the progress as it goes along :)