I'm Opening A Store!

Yes, I am opening a store, downtown Buffalo, MN. Super duper excited to share my natural soaps, body care and eventually fermented drinks with more people. It will also be beneficial to have a bigger space to 'create and develop' in conjunction with selling...talk about local!
My location is 1st st NE #4, Buffalo, MN. Tucked nicely between antique stores downtown. Did you know...Buffalo MN is the antique capital of the state?

Can't wait to provide a place closer to the cities with products that are naturally great for your skin and whole body health. This will also be a great location to teach my classes from. I teach at least 3-6 classes a month currently - that's a lot of haulin' product so it will certainly be nice to have a central location that like minds can come together and learn in a friendly, natural environment.

I will continue to do the farmers markets to spread the word about healthy products in addition to using it as an introductory to my new products I am creating. '
My hours are undetermined currently, but will be open weekly- most likely Wednesday through Saturday but juggling kid schedules is still in process. More to come on this.