It is important to note that not anyone can raise wild animals. You must get permission from the game warden/conservation officer in your area and you must have experience with raising wild animals as well. It is very important not only for the deer's sake but also for the person raising them. Deer and other wild animals can become trouble makers around a house. At the same time, being able to see one so up close and personal is an experience unlike any other. If you get the chance to visit a
Ben is getting around great, frolicking with the kids in the yard and becoming very strong for such a little guy. There is a lot of work that goes into raising a baby 'wild' animal including night feedings, making them go to the bathroom, and getting them to walk around and get exercise (being babies they will just sleep and lay down otherwise). My intentions for Ben are to remain wild. He will not fear humans but he will be able to live among other deer and will be released to a large property in the fall that he will prosper at.
I will post more pics and updates on the little guy as he grows to become a young adult.
Check this video out (you do not need to have Facebook- copy and paste into browser): it's Lola (my miniature English Bulldog) and Ben:
and this video is of Ben Lovin' on Me:
And lastly, this is him taking his bottle: